BROOKFIELD (Jun. 20, 2024) – Applications are being accepted for the Erickson Strong Scholarship to attend the 2024 Lean Construction Industry (LCI) Congress Core Program session. Two scholarships, $2,500 each, will be awarded.
The Erickson Strong Scholarship was created to encourage Wisconsin residents who are early in their lean journey to attend the annual LCI Congress. The scholarship honors the memory of Mark Erickson and his commitment to educational and professional growth within lean construction.
The Scholarship will be awarded based on responses to the application questions along with their interest in Lean Construction through internship, project work, and participation in a Wisconsin Center of Practice or LCI national event. Watch this video to learn more about Mark Erickson and the scholarship opportunity: https://lcicongress.org/2024/program/.
The 2024 LCI Congress will be held October 23-24 in San Diego California. More information can be found at: https://lcicongress.org/2024/program/.
Apply today. Scholarship applications are due no later than July 12, 2024. Award recipients will be announced at the LCI Wisconsin Golf Event on Monday, August 19, 2024, held at Fire Ridge Golf Club in Grafton, Wisconsin.
About CornerStone One
CornerStone One is located at 20865 Enterprise Ave, Brookfield, WI. The company offers services for verticals including healthcare, education, government, hospitality, manufacturing, apartment/condo living, religious organizations, senior living and more. CornerStone One has provided support on high-profile projects in Southeastern Wisconsin for organizations including Amazon, Komatsu, Baird, Northwestern Mutual, and Froedtert Health. More information is available at cstoneone.com.